
LLP was envisioned and implemented right after the Covid-19 lockdown when majority of people could not go to their work. This project aims to provide additional income by engaging people in livestock rearing with provision of low interest loans. Milk and meat selling and reproduction of cattle will greatly support farmers in adding up the income to deal with loss of income and food security.


Low interest loan for livestock rearing

  • People with additional source of income from livestock farming and fulfilling basic needs for good quality of life
  • Self initiated alternative income generation opportunity for farmers who used to be dependent on daily wage earning and seasonal agriculture.
  • People with easy access to capital investment through loan facility
  • Improved knowledge and skills on livestock farming
  • Enhanced project management and implementation capabilities of CBOs

“I am very much excited about goat raising. We have proven track record in doing well in animal rearing. Goat raising have been one of the enthusiastic project that TN farmers are looking up to do. The project is highly feasible for TN landscape, availability of grass and water. Moreover, Goat raising farmers can market meat at TN local market itself which dismisses the marketing problem. So, I myself is planning to add up goats to my cattle rearing and aiming to increase up to 30 goats. With our maintained good relation with ward and livestock healthcare center we can access necessary services. As we have already started benefiting from the project, I am very much hopeful and confident that this project is going to be a next big project that can provide a solid financial backup to the low income farmers.”

Santoshi Thapa
Treasurer, Sagarmatha Saamudaayik Sikaai Kendra
Information Board

68 goats and 12 calves

are being reared for milk and meat leading to additional income.