
This project aims to create an income generating opportunities and food security to farmers through buffalo rearing, milk production and selling of calves. An establishment of revolving fund system will ensure continuity of alternative credit assistance (Low interest loans) to needy farmers in batches to facilitate purchasing of dairy buffaloes for buffalo rearing.

Through this project farmers generate income through milk and meat as well as calves selling. The usage of dung produced in the veggie gardens add an extra benefits by saving ferlilizer buying and increased vegetable production. The Project have proved to be a milestone in transforming livelihood status of farmers at Tallo Nallu, Konjyosom Municipality.


Buffalo rearing for Income Generation through Milk Production

  • A sustainable and well-managed credit support program for buffalo rearing in place.
  • Members receive low-interest loan for buffalo rearing which continues in revolving manner.
  • Increase in milk production with improved technology in buffalo rearing
  • Increase in income with the sale of milk and calves
  • Improvement in buffalo rearing system with technical inputs to the group members
  • More farmers (including group members) encouraged to commercially engage in buffalo rearing
  • Farmer-beneficiaries sustainably support organic farming through organic/compost fertilizer
  • Improved family nutrition

Buffalo loan project has changed the lives of Tallo Nallu people. Before the inception of this project, people were forced to take high interest loans or not do animal rearing. Then alcohol production was done for income generation. But when we organized as a group and were able to provide cheaper interest loans for buffalo rearing, the majority of people started producing milk instead of alcohol. Income generation from milk production encouraged many others and we now are able to start goat raising projects as well. We worked hard and faced so much difficulty in the beginning but today that all seems worth it.

Purna Bahadur Syangtan
Manager-Milk collection center , Member-Sagarmatha Saamudaayik Sikaai Kendra
Information Board


families got alternative credit assistance to purchase dairy buffaloes.